News & Insights

Temporary Insolvent Trading Moratorium Update

Earlier this year, the Australian Government introduced the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020 (Cth) which was designed to provide temporary relief to businesses and stimulate economic activity. As touched on in our earlier article (Directors’ duties under the temporary COVID-19 measures), this bill included a temporary COVID-19 safe harbour defence for directors from insolvent trading liability where ordinarily...

How are earnings multiples determined in business valuations?

When adopting the capitalisation of earnings methodology for valuing a business, a valuer must determine an appropriate multiple to apply to the future maintainable earnings of the business. The earnings multiple is designed to be a measure of risk. It assesses the riskiness of the maintainable earnings of the business and is typically described as the rate...

Understanding Goodwill

As noted in our previous article, when undertaking a business valuation, valuers are guided by common market practice and the valuation methodologies recommended in the ASIC Regulatory Guide 111. When adopting the Capitalisation of Earnings Methodology, it is not uncommon for the calculation to deviate from the business’ net operational business assets. In circumstances where the value...

Business Restructuring: What are my options?

GT Advisory & Consulting work with businesses across all stages of the business cycle by developing solutions to drive business turnaround, refocus strategic direction and fine tune business performance. Drawing on our in-depth industry expertise, we develop strategies which assist businesses navigate a diverse range of commercial challenges, by: developing in-depth restructuring and turnaround plans...

What are Surplus Assets and Liabilities in business valuation?

When determining the equity value of a company, a valuer will typically test for the existence of Surplus Assets and Liabilities held by the company. Surplus Assets are represented by any assets that are held by a business that are not core to its underlying operations and do not support the business in any way....

Valuation Methodologies: The Capitalisation of Earnings methodology

When undertaking a business valuation, valuers are guided by common market practice and the valuation methodologies recommended in the ASIC Regulatory Guide 111. There are a number of valuation methods which can be used to value a business and some of the more common methods include: The discounted cash flow method (Income-based Approach) The capitalisation...

Decoding the Illegal Phoenix: Part 2

In the previous article, I outlined the definition of phoenix activity. In this post, I will discuss the four key measures that were part of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Bill 2019. Schedule 1 This measure introduced new phoenix offences to prohibit the creditor-defeating dispositions of company assets prior to a liquidation. This can...

Directors’ duties under the temporary COVID-19 measures

An Overview of Directors’ Duties Directors and officers of companies are subject to a number of statutory and general law obligations, including: Care and diligence: to exercise their powers and discharge their duties with due care, skill and diligence; Good faith and proper purpose: to act in good faith in the best interests of the...